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校园先锋榜 > 正文

Time's criminal·北大学子聂可

2012-04-16 10:21  来源:中国广播网我要评论 


Time's Criminal


How is my memory
forgot it in safety place
't does not make no sense to me everytime you call my name

who is the criminal
he takes away all my thought
crack into my raw and bury me alive without a fault

Hoo...time will kill you 'n leave you alone

stand by the mirror
body who's like you whole
looking at faith and force running pumping jumping out your soul

peaceful moon midnight
the sun just shines right behind
bonding the screw and the lockin' only try to loose the tie

Hoo...a twinkle is eternal of life


Never say I've got the right
and leave it all the nothing mine
never say the reason's there
and hiding as your justifying

Never say I could decide
this momentary scene is by my side
I'm just a passer-by[ich stehe nur auf Aussenseit]
(just wanna tell you)

[he's justifying]


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